Read about the greatest fight against tyranny, and the compelling irony paid in blood for freedom through a remarkable insight of global affairs through the last 2000 years. Through the pen of one of the most compelling authors of the 20th century you will be amazed by the depth of detail and truths drawn out within this inspired work.
“A powerful life changing book”
“Incredible! No other book like it, inspiring read”
“A remarkable insight into global affairs over the last 2,000 years” “This book documents in convicting detail the final scenes of
earth’s history revealed through the lens of Bible prophecy.”
Truth is so vital that men and women have written into the record of history the sacrifice of human life as freedoms greatest value. It is then that truth is the most valued possession one can attain in the quest for freedom.

You will become immersed in how the struggle for religious freedom through the dark ages shaped the foundation of the American constitution. See how ‘free choice” is central to the very character of God. Learn how God has Himself laid everything on the line including His own life so all can be assured of the eternal Hope and Freedom.
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